Dunkin’ Donuts Bans Rachael Ray Commercial Because of “Jihadist” Scarf

This is nothing but shameless racism. I really hope more people speak out about this because it is not only outrageous, it also reflects the ridiculous amount of paranoia and xenophobia that’s tarnishing our society. Yesterday morning, I heard about Rachael Ray’s new commercial for Dunkin’ Donuts getting pulled because of complaints from the right-wing blogosphere, specifically from the notoriously anti-Islamic and xenophobe Michelle Malkin. What were the complaints about? Well, according to Malkin, the black-and-white colored scarf worn by Rachael Ray in the commercial heavily resembled the keffiyeh, which she defined as the “traditional scarf of Arab men that has come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad.”

Are you kidding me? The commercial was yanked because of a black-and-white patterned scarf with paisley designs? The bigots from the right-wing were so offended and worried that Dunkin’ Donuts was “promoting terrorism” or “Palestinian jihad” because their sponsor wore a scarf? In response to these complaints, Dunkin’ Donuts wrote:

“Thank you for expressing your concern about the Dunkin’ Donuts advertisement with Rachael Ray. In the ad that you reference, Rachael is wearing a black-and-white silk scarf with a paisley design that was purchased at a U.S. retail store. It was selected by the stylist for the advertising shoot. Absolutely no symbolism was intended. However, given the possibility of misperception, we will no longer use the commercial.”

Possibility of misperception? So if someone perceives the scarf as a Palestinian scarf, it is subsequently a “terrorist” or “jihadist” scarf?

When will the Islamophobia end?

First of all, the scarf worn by Rachael Ray was not a Palestinian scarf, and as argued on The Young Turks radio program: So what if it was?!

Second, don’t people realize how racist Michelle Malkin’s remarks are? Can’t they see the racist undertones; can’t they see the dehumanization of a people, the sheer vilification of a people? According to people like her, anyone who wears that scarf is a “murderous Palestinian jihadist.” If Dunkin’ Donuts doesn’t want to offend anyone in their commercials, then how come they don’t realize that they’re offending the Muslim and Arab community by agreeing with Malkin’s racist interpretation of the scarf?

The scarf, or keffiyeh, is a traditional Arabian headdress – it has no association with terrorism. I have worn the keffiyeh numerous times, I have friends who wear it, I have family members who wear it – should people point fingers at us and brand us terrorists?!

I am sick of the mainstream media treating Muslims as if they are sub-humans, as if our community has absolutely no worth or place in society. History has taught us that dehumanization of “the other” (in today’s world, the Muslims) is an essential process that occurs in the media on a daily basis in order to propagate war. Just look at how dehumanized the Muslims have become ever since this ILLEGAL, INHUMANE, and GOD-FORSAKEN WAR began. The interrogators at Guantanamo Bay desecrated our Islamic Holy Book, the Qur’an, by flushing them down the toilets, the Danish cartoonists vilified our Prophet (peace be upon him) by depicting him with a bomb strapped to his turban, radio show bigots like Michael Savage lead an all-out onslaught against Muslims, instructing people to curse out Muslims in public and deport them from the United States, and now after we have seen the vilification of our Holy Book, the vilification of our beloved Prophet, the vilification of our community, we see the vilification of clothing that a certain ethnic group wears. The keffiyeh is not even an exclusively Islamic scarf, it is Middle-Eastern – not all Middle-Easterners are Muslim! Not even all Palestinians are Muslim!

If commercials should be banned just because of their dress, then why don’t we ban all the depictions of Jesus wearing a Middle-Eastern headdress, or depictions of Moses and the other Prophets wearing the Middle-Eastern headdress?! (Peace be upon them all) Let’s become fascists and outlaw all religious symbols, religious clothing, and religious slogans! No, but Malkin and her band of bigots will only argue that Muslims are the terrorists in the Middle-East and we, the U.S., must defend ourselves if we want to “preserve” our freedom and liberty. In response to Dunkin’ Donuts, Malkin writes:

“It’s refreshing to see an American company show sensitivity to the concerns of Americans opposed to Islamic jihad and its apologists.”

Is anyone else just as outraged by Michelle Malkin’s blatant racism? Since the majority of employees at Dunkin’ Donuts are Indian, Pakistani, Egyptian, Iranian, and Latino – why don’t we just ban them too from the workplace? After all, if we use Malkin’s logic, these are people who are stealing our jobs (Indians), terrorists (Pakistanis), terrorists (Egyptians), holocaust-denying terrorists (Iranians), and illegal immigrants (Latinos). See how effective stereotyping is? We don’t need to judge people based on their individuality or on our own experiences with them, we can learn enough from their ethnicity!

Seriously, this type of alarmist and xenophobic behavior is extremely offensive and disturbing. The media neglects the Muslim voice – we are the community facing an annual increase in hate crimes and discriminatory acts since 9/11, but people like Malkin downplay it. According to her, the hate crime incidents and reports are “exaggerated,” and Muslims are just “victimizing” themselves. Yes, Ms. Malkin, tell us that our clothing is terrorist clothing, tell us to keep silent when some racist bigot calls us a “rag-head” or “dune coon,” tell us to shut up when Muslim countries are bombed, tell us that women and children and other innocent people in Iraq or Palestine or Afghanistan have no right to defend themselves.

How sick and twisted is this country becoming? I feel sorry for Rachael Ray because now she will be associated with that scarf and “terrorism.” Imagine if all of us wore the keffiyeh in response to this ridiculous, alarmist, red-scare-of-the-21st-century; imagine if people actually woke up and felt motivated to do something about our society – imagine what could be accomplished.

Michelle Malkin is a racist in every sense of the word. Muslims will not stop being Muslims, they will not stop wearing their traditional clothing, and they will not let Islamophobes change their lifestyles. So go ahead, point fingers at me when I’m wearing my keffiyeh, and call me a terrorist. I will not care. The hate is on you.


~ Broken Mystic ~


  1. Autumn said,

    May 31, 2008 at 7:45 pm

    You should send this as an editorial for a newspaper.

  2. Shawna said,

    May 31, 2008 at 8:09 pm

    Can I pick this up for islamonmyside?

  3. Aafke said,

    May 31, 2008 at 10:24 pm

    Right on BM! Nutters!
    Just posted on the same subject myself!!! 😀

  4. seekingnoor said,

    June 1, 2008 at 3:44 am

    I can’t tell you how absolutely OUTRAGED I was when I saw this yesterday, I just could not believe it. My friend told me that this topic made it on a segment of Bill O’Reilly last night. You’re right – Michelle Malkin is the definition of a racist and the folks at Dunkin Donuts are just as bad for falling into this trash.

  5. June 2, 2008 at 11:00 am

    […] Jehanzeb says: This is nothing but shameless racism. I really hope more people speak out about this because it is not only outrageous, it also reflects the ridiculous amount of paranoia and xenophobia that’s tarnishing our society. Yesterday morning, I heard about Rachael Ray’s new commercial for Dunkin’ Donuts getting pulled because of complaints from the right-wing blogosphere, specifically from the notoriously anti-Islamic and xenophobe Michelle Malkin. What were the complaints about? Well, according to Malkin, the black-and-white colored scarf worn by Rachael Ray in the commercial heavily resembled the keffiyeh, which she defined as the “traditional scarf of Arab men that has come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad.” […]

  6. June 3, 2008 at 1:50 pm

    […] Broken Mystic has a great point: “don’t people realize how racist Michelle Malkin’s remarks are? Can’t they see the racist undertones; can’t they see the dehumanization of a people, the sheer vilification of a people? According to people like her, anyone who wears that scarf is a “murderous Palestinian jihadist.” If Dunkin’ Donuts doesn’t want to offend anyone in their commercials, then how come they don’t realize that they’re offending the Muslim and Arab community by agreeing with Malkin’s racist interpretation of the scarf?“. […]

  7. Barbara said,

    June 3, 2008 at 4:08 pm

    This is outrageous! Rachel should take this the the ACLU. When I was in Europe at the end of last year, I noticed this fad among many of the young there. So do bald Latinos with baggy jeans (as the fad in L.A) work for them? What would her stand be on this fad? This Michelle person apparently has a lot of time on her hands…is she going to strip the nuns of their veils now?

  8. June 3, 2008 at 4:53 pm

    […] Broken Mystic has posted on the Terrorist Scarf Scandal as well, you can read his take here […]

  9. Colloquielle said,

    June 3, 2008 at 9:08 pm

    What gets me is that Michelle Malkin? Is Filipino. Her parents come from a country with a massive proportion of Muslims in its population, and yet her understanding of anything even vaguely related to Islam is so totally limited. Her field of vision is so limited it’s a wonder she found the computer to type this pile of drivel in the first place. She should bloody well know better.

  10. brokenmystic said,

    June 3, 2008 at 9:52 pm

    Barbara — Thanks for commenting! I know, we make these false associations and it’s really insulting. Like I mentioned, the keffiyeh is a TRADITIONAL Arab scarf and it has no association with terrorism. Would Dunkin’ Donuts be so quick to ban a commercial if Rachael Ray was wearing a traditional Israeli/Jewish scarf? Would they even care if Muslims complained about it? The scary thing is that antagonism, prejudice, and racism towards Muslims and Arabs has been made acceptable in our society. That’s something that I cannot stand.

    Colloquielle — I know! That’s an interesting point! She reminds me of Bridgette Gabriel, who is a Lebanese Christian who spews out all this anti-Muslim hatred on shows like Glenn Beck. Lebanon is half Christian and half Muslim, and you would think that someone from an Arab background would understand the stigma that Muslims are experiencing, but apparently, she has sold out to the right wing media.

    Maybe Michelle had a negative experience with Muslims in the past, and she’s hell-bent on spreading lies, ignorance, and hate towards them. Or maybe she just sold out. God knows :/

  11. brokenmystic said,

    June 3, 2008 at 9:55 pm

    Seeking Noor — Nice to hear from you again! More Muslims and non-Muslims are speaking out against this, and many of them are even writing to Dunkin’ Donuts. Hopefully, we’ll make our voice heard. We can’t allow people to be so racist and prejudice towards Arabs and Muslims.

    There is also a protest being organized by over 500 Muslims (according to a Facebook Event) worldwide (mostly in the West) on June 6th. It’s called “Wear Your Keffiyeh With Pride Day.” I believe pictures will be posted up as well on numerous blogs. I’ll keep you updated!

  12. seekingnoor said,

    June 6, 2008 at 12:11 am

    didn’t you get my response to your last email? Tag – you’re it, I’ve sent 2.:)
    come visit my blog jaan when you have a moment. hope all is well with you and your family. take care – khoda hafiz

  13. brokenmystic said,

    June 6, 2008 at 1:29 am

    Seeking Noor – Salaam, sister. I don’t think I got your last e-mail 😦 I can’t visit your blog either. I’m clicking on your link, but it says your blog has been deleted!

  14. August 5, 2008 at 1:27 pm


  15. August 5, 2008 at 1:28 pm


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